ADCo-simulated input power of Antenna parameter using circuit excitation within Momentum Visualization does not match the power simulated in schematic


Newbie level 4
Sep 2, 2019
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I tried co-simulating a momentum EM model with my circuit schematic using EM-> Circuit Excitation... of a microchip bondwire to a PCB antenna.
Thereby I have two seperate EM-model layout units, the PCB metal transmission line traces, and the patch antenna array.
But could not find any documentation relating to how exactly the Input power (watts) Anetnna Parameters for farfield momenutum simulation is calculated.
I tried HB simulation, S4P_Eqn voltages and Voltage and current meters at each stage of my circuit schematic to try and they do not match to the input power(Watts) reported in the Antenna parameters.
The Antenna Parameter card mostly show an input power (Watts) within 0.001 to 0.0001. But during my circuit simulation, although input power to the circuit can start at 2.025E-4 Watts, by the time it reaches the patch antenna array, the total power combined power feed into all of the patch would be around a tenth of whatever input power 1.26E-5 Watts. But the Antenna Parameters card shows 1.37E-4 Watts.
If anyone could help explain or refer to any documentation of how does Input power for Antenna Parameters are calculated would be much appreciated. Also if there exist any method in schematic to sum the radiation plots of two separate EM models using Circuit Excitation would be very helpful.

I hope the below picture is descriptive, especially comparing the Antenna parameter card for the PCB trace with bondwires Input power 0.000211706 (Watts) to circuit simulation calculation of current * voltage, to the patch antenna array EM model Antenna parameter card of 0.000125318 Watts when circuit simulation power at that reference plane is only 0.0000125318 Watts. Equations for power are simply current on each path multiplied by voltage

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