m new in edk platform,(using spartan 3E)
I have notice that there is two types of IP in xilinx edk 11.1
1. I.P.s like dip,push button,ethernet,urlite,sdram,flash memory ect. we are adding these ips during the bulding of BSB.
2. I.P.s like adc,dac,ps/2 etc. We can add these I.Ps after buliding the BSB.
What is the difference b/w them?
Im going to add the delta sigma adc with my project. as per i think the four ports of this ip these ports
IM2INTC, Agtr, DACout, and Sample should be external port. ami i right?
if it is right then i must edit the .ucf file also, in that could anyone tell me that pin numbers?.
before this project i was trying a vhdl code for adc(J7). I saw in that case the ports are CLK,SPI_miso,SPI_mosi,AMP_shdn.SPI_clk ect
why these port are missing when i using a proccessor.is these ports are controlled by processor itself??