active hdl 8.3 problems

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Full Member level 6
Mar 1, 2003
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I have got active hdl 8.3 recently. I tried to work with it. It is not user friendly at all !!!! there are a lot of bugs!!! The GUI is terrible!!!! Finally i switched back to active hdl 6.2.

Have anybody worked with active hdl 8.3? if yes am i right or not?

I've used active-hdl for years, and am now up to version 9.2. I find it to be extremely easy to use, intuitive, and terrifically useful. If you want to be confused, try Modelsim.

I've used active-hdl for years too, i found it much easier than modelsim. But i am in trouble with version 8.3!!!!!!


What kind of problems are you having? You have jumped from 6.2 to 8.3, things may have changed in between. Can you use latest version 9.2?

I don't have 9.2. I am trying to download it.

But there is some bugs in ahdl8.3. All Waveform is cleared after re-simulation (in ahdl 6.2 we can see old wave forms). some times all the signals disappears in wave form and you should add again. When you saved waveform you cant edit the waveform or update it by continuing simulation ....

There are two types of waveform displays, Advanced and something else; I can't remember what they're called. There's a setting to determine which one you are using. That might be what you're seeing.

What about systemverilog support? Does it support?

what about debug future? i cant debug my code at all !!!!!!

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