Active Bandpass Filter using op-amp

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ali ghafoor

Member level 4
Feb 11, 2011
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is it possible to realize active bandpass filter using op-amp at Fc=350 MHz?? if yes, kindly suggest me the op-amp that i should use.

I require high selectivity filter. A bandwidth of 5MHz, passband insertion loss<= -10 dB, stopband attenuation at +-20MHz >=40dB. LC filter cannot provide these specifications. Another option is coaxial ceramic resonator filter. I am working on that topology but i need one prototype on urgent basis, if i can make one using op-amp or any kind of active topology. give me your suggestions..any active filter topology capable of meeting these requirements??

I require high selectivity filter. A bandwidth of 5MHz, passband insertion loss<= -10 dB, stopband attenuation at +-20MHz >=40dB. LC filter cannot provide these specifications.
The specification involves a higher order filter, independent of the used technology.

In case of an active filter, filter Q is linked to required gain margin respectively excess GBW. I can't imagine that the filter can be easily implemented with available GHz OPs.

Another option is coaxial ceramic resonator
Equivalent circuit is the same LC only comparatively Q is better around 500-600. But with helix L it possible as well.
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