acquisition and conversion channel

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Full Member level 3
May 10, 2010
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i've to design a circuitry that realizes the scheme in figure below

in particular I need some advice on which ICs currently on the market to be used to achieve the functionality shown in the various panels of the figure.
I'd also get ideas on how to design the acquisition channel in figure.

Could you help me?

The anti-aliasing filter could be a passive RC filter or an active filter depending upon the noise level outside the signal bandwidth and the A/D conversion speed.

The "gain multiplier", which I assume means simply a gain stage, can be performed by an opamp amplifier circuit depending upon what the input voltage level is and how much gain you need.

There are zillions of A/D converters out there, built by TI, Linear Technology, Analog Devices, etc. You need to decide on the conversion speed (at least twice the highest input frequency of interest) and the accuracy (number of bits) required.

The µC selection will depend upon what you want to do with the A/D signal, of course.

So your first step is to put requirement values in each of boxes. You can't do the design without specific requirements.

The anti-aliasing filter could be a passive RC filter or an active filter depending upon the noise level outside the signal bandwidth and the A/D conversion speed.
i've thought to a cascade bandpass active filter or switching cap filter because of noise affected and low amplitude (100mV) signal. The A7D conversion speed should be 100khz for hi-freq signal and 1khz for low-freq signal. What do you think about that? any ideas?

The "gain multiplier", which I assume means simply a gain stage, can be performed by an opamp amplifier circuit depending upon what the input voltage level is and how much gain you need.
i've thought a stage of high dynamic range (12 bit) programmable gain amplifier witch could compensate the non ideality of previous stage gain.

There are zillions of A/D converters out there, built by TI, Linear Technology, Analog Devices, etc. You need to decide on the conversion speed (at least twice the highest input frequency of interest) and the accuracy (number of bits) required.
12 bits

The µC selection will depend upon what you want to do with the A/D signal, of course.
i've already made my choice....
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