Dear Suta,
Thank you very much, I am understand now completely from your kind explanation the setting of the DFT. Once I have the signal in frequency domain I can then apply mathematical functions to find for example the SNR and so on. May be later I will have some inquiry about it. but now DFT is very clear.
Dear suta, I attached below the Spectrum setting from cadence, I will proceed with my signal = 2 MHz. to run the transient for spectrum I will not need to define the start or the end like the way we needed before for the DFT. Simply I will state the Stop time of the transient to 6 us for example. The only thing I must be careful about is to set the strobperiod to for example (1/(8*Fs)). Then I run the simulator and plot my signal in time domain and call the Spectrum for it.
In the Spectrum I will specify the start and the end by myself, I can look in to my signal and choose the start where it becomes settled. Say roughly from 1u instead of 0, the end time 6 us.
Now I move to Sample count which is the "Npts", I choose like 1024 or bigger (2048, 4096, 8192, etc), I think the higher number will consume more time but gives more accurate result.
The sampling frequency I should set it to the same value I set in the Strobperiod.
The Window type is mostly chosen rectangular.
There is Option called start/stop frequency beside letter "S", usually I press S and it fill the field automatically but I don't know the meaning of it.
Signal bins I also don't know what is it.
Sat peak level I leave it to 0
I usually select number of harmonics = 100.
The last but not the least, is the Analyses type in which gives two option, Signal and Noise analyses, what are the difference in between ? may be the Noise analyses is related to the transient + Noise ?
Thank you very much Suta