Accessing the Nokia 3310's Inbox

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Newbie level 6
Aug 18, 2007
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Hi, I need a help on this matter..
I had made a database in MS Access using Visual Basic 6.0,, but the inputs of the database comes from the mobile phone(Nokia 3310) inbox..
How can I access or copy the inbox of the mobile and make the message an input to my program? Do I need to use a microcontroller on this matter?
I really need a help on this matter, this is one of my projects in school..Please help.


no need to use microcontroller.attach ur cell phone to serial port and if ur cell phone support AT commands then from ur vb program send AT commands to phone and receive data from the inbox in ur vb program.. simpleeeeeee

abbas1707 said:
no need to use microcontroller.attach ur cell phone to serial port and if ur cell phone support AT commands then from ur vb program send AT commands to phone and receive data from the inbox in ur vb program.. simpleeeeeee

sory but 3310 not support at cmd

Do you know any commands in Visual Basic 6.0 that can access the Nokia 3310? We are advise to use this phone and access its inbox by our professor.. Hope you can give me your response.Thank You..

I think there is a module in VB that can be used to access nokia phones, and it uses the FBUS protocol.

Try to google it, maybe you can find one.

Do you have any links???

please post advice.. thanks

check out
Nokia 3310 uses FBUS protocol which runs at 115Kbauds. also has lots of info you need.
I have just completed a project to interface nokia 3310 to microcontroller


I think there is a module in VB that can be used to access nokia phones, and it uses the FBUS protocol.

Any links or sites? pls post update thanks...

please post advice.. thanks

Added after 46 seconds:

please post advice.. thanks

nokia 3310 and Microcontroller

Nokia 3310 SMS control
Friends,I have written this tutorial for all those who wish to understand the FBUS protocol for Nokia 3310/5110/6110 (older nokia) controlling with 89S52.Pls go through this page and hit on tutorial there. I will soon upload hex code for AT89S52

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