Accelerometer capabilities without a gyro

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Newbie level 1
Mar 17, 2008
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I'm working on university final year project to detect and record the movements of a kite flight and display it in google earth.

The initial idea was to use a tri-axis accelerometer (Hitachi H48C) to measure x,y,z movements but I now realise I need a gyro or similar to detect the angles. Otherwise I believe it is impossible to seperate the g component from the forces created by the kite movement as soon as the kite is moving at a "non-constant" speed.

Now there is no budget left I have been asked to do what I can with the accelerometer. My initial thought was to apply it to a vehicle or similar. The question is,

What am I able to sucessfully display/measure with the accelerometer? I'd like to at least be able to display forwards and backwards movement plus display any turns, allowing me to plot a route I took. (Start and end location are obtained by GPS) My thoughts are it should be able to do this fairly accurately until it comes to a hill where the g component will shift to the y axis slightly. Am I able to overcome this problem? Is what Im trying to do only possible on flat terrain if at all?

Any help would be much appreciated. I have read and read and read on this but just can't seem to work out if its possible without extra components. Please ask if I am being unclear about anything.

Thank you


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