Acceleration pedal signal

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Newbie level 3
Dec 11, 2014
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My name is Milan. My English is not too good but i hope that you will understand me and provide help.
I want to correct accelerator pedal signal. signal voltage range is from 0.98V depressed to 4.5V full

pressed pedal.
input voltage is 5v. when i hard step on the pedal, voltage jump is very instant and car hesitates.

is it possible to make some simple electronics device to correct signal and slow down voltage jump or

reduce rising to some point like 1.5V and than allow exponentially rising of voltage like without a

device. i was attached picture of what i want to accomplish.
Any idea? Using transistor or FET in circuit or something else? Any example? Thanks in advance!

Problem with the car is probably ECU. I have already test everything in car that could be tested. Problem is probably with ECU mapping. When i press pedal very slow everything is ok but if i step little bit harder than car jerking from idle to 1200 rpm and than rises smoothly. in normal driving conditions it is very annoying. is it possible to correct signal voltage depending of how fast is that signal changing?

Sorry. car is always behave like that since i bought it 2008. car is: opel vectra b 2001 engine z16xe. i have tried same car from diferent owner and doesn't have problems. car was tested in service and every sensor is ok. they suggested that problem is probably ecu but new is 700€ an used is 400€ but maybe with same problem. so i am looking for a simpliest modification just to correct simptoms to acceptable mesure.

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