AC power supply synchronised to signal generator

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Junior Member level 3
Apr 13, 2010
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I have a need for an AC power supply that is synchronised to a signal from a signal generator.

The output of the power supply needs to be about 50volts and 250mW (variable between 20 - 100 volts would be a bonus but not a vital feature). Importantaly however, it should be at zero volts when the output of the signal generator is at peak value (approx 1 volt), so really 180 degrees out from the signal pulse.

It also must follow the signal frequency.

Any ideas?

This sounds like maybe just a high voltage inverting op amp
(check out APEX) since you only are looking for 5mA or so.

A Class D car audio amp at high power rating might do for a
higher output capability.

With a variable frequency, you might be concerned about
the fixed phase lag of the amplifier. How high is your
max freq of interest, and how ideal does the (anti)phase
alignment have to be held?

The specification sounds partly confused. An AC source would have a bipolar output voltage. So a 180° phase shift would
result in a negative peak voltage for positive peak on input.

Do you really mean 250 mW respectively 5 mA? I would call it a high voltage signal generator rather than an AC power supply.

Sorry I ment mAmps!

A high voltage signal generator might do it, does such a thing exist?

My max frequency of interest is about 300 herts

Kepco has 4-quadrant power supplies, some of them are equipped with built-in signal generators. They also can be used
as power amplifiers for an external signal generator, offering a signal bandwitdh in the 10 kHz range.

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