ac light dimmer light using triac and triac

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No, I have manage to open it,it does open.i can see its working. the output of my Vcc is now read 6V,i think something is not going okay with my circuit.

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i see on R5 you use 12kohm restistor and me i am using 8.2kohm

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tell me do you have proteus program also known ISIS?

do you have proteus program also known ISIS

I was able to download LTspice only that Linear Technology is kind to offer worldwide and for free. Sorry.

Yes, for Vcc=5V, I had to change 8K2 to 12K in order to decrease the slope of the ramp in the new circuit.

About your DC voltage readings, since they are all higher than expected, the cause could be your meter and its scale has changed for some reason (perhaps when its fuse was burned).

I have manage to open it,it does open
Is your explorer IE9? I run it on Windows 7 (home basic)
I assumed you meant the "Manage Attachments" is working on your side.
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yes I am also using windows 7,everything is working fine.

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Is your explorer IE9? I run it on Windows 7 (home basic)
yes it is working.

Therefore, it seems it is blocked since before yesterday, as many other webpages are ... if accessed from here.
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no I have managed to get your pic that you have sent me.

no I have managed to get your pic that you have sent me.

Please note I am not referring to "Add an Image" but to "Manage Attachments".
Yes, I can upload only images now but not ordinary files (some members here may like having my LTspice files too).

i will have to sit down and look at my circuit it really worries me.

Try starting connecting the part of your regulator only till you get 12V or 5V (of the regulator you like to use).
When you get properly the regulated DC voltage, knock my door

So far I found 2 errors:
R8 (10K) should go to + (pin 3) of U3:A and the potentiometer to - (pin 2)
I don't see a series resistor (1K8) at the output of U3:A (pin 1)

R14 cannot be 10K, a power triac won't turn on properly with it since the load current is too small. Perhaps this is why you told me that everyting was not hot
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    Points: 2
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KerimF,U are a genius. Its working I just remove that 10kOhm on R13 in your circuit and it worked and added LED in series with 1.8kOhm resistor. I don't know how can I thank u,i just wish if u were here in South Africa. God Bless u.

Did I tell you that it took me 2 months (after my BS graduation, about 40 years ago) to run a simple 2-transistor astable oscillator?
The silly cause was: I didn't notice that the electrolytic capacitor after the rectifier was connected in reverse polarity. Therefore the (ac) ripple on the supply DC voltage was very big (as if there is no filter capacitor) while the reading of my voltmeter was giving me always 5V DC

After all, you too, you are very good in this field. You didn't give up as some others may do. I won't be surprised if also in the future you will be seen as a genius.

For instance, even after 40 years, I can't avoid making MANY silly mistakes in EVERY new project (though they are rather complex now). But at the same time, I don't stop working on a project (if useful) till it gives me the needed results even after a thousand tests

Ya,but I still have to learn a lot,I still interested in designing and building a DC to AC inverted.

There are many ways to build a DC to AC inverter.

For instance, I earn my living lately by selling inverters (each set includes a charger too).
Based on the components available now in the local market (during the actual war), I made it rather simple (not SMPS) after adding extra functions:

(1) The output Vrms is regulated if the battery voltage > 12V (or > 24V if the model is for two batteries). This is done by decreasing the output duty cycle properly.
(2) A Soft start for the output is generated during the 1st second (by increasing the output duty cycle drom 5% to 80%, I keep 20% for the dead time between the half cycles).
(3) The current overload monitoring is instantaneous though an idle delay is added to pass the inrush current required by some appliances (820ms).

The inverter transformer is also used for charging when the mains power is on.
Obviously the charger regulates the charging current (set to about 20A) and limits the maximum battery voltage (to about 14.5V, after which the battery takes the current it needs, down to its leakage one, till its voltage decreases below 13.5V). 2 triacs at the transformer primary (connected to 2 different terminals, only one triac is active at a time) are used to regulate the charging current.

The main electronic components are the power MOSFET (here we have 75NF75N) and the MCU (here we have AT89C2051).
Fortunately, I was able to have a 8051 assembler (for DOS) that can generate the object file for the MCU after I write the appropriate assembly program.

ohk,it just that I want to make a living,since south Africa is about to focus on renewable energy,so I want to make them and sell them.

I need you help, I have made 3 of these circuit to run a 3-phase induction motor so I want to run them using a single variable resistor,so I want to know which variable resistor can I use?

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