AC equipment on/off with remote

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Newbie level 6
Jun 17, 2007
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hi guys,

I am new to this forum. Well I am a computer student but very much interested in electronic circuits and their amazing power.

I just want to know a way with which i can control my AC switches. I belong to India, so voltage here is AC and is 220V. Please let me know.. I mean i have a rough idea, lets jot it up..

I need to convert AC to DC using a rectifier... and then use some gates to control that voltage or switch.. may its a complete mess up.. but please help me


be more specific.....Are you converting 220v to DC ....or something else......

bha, no mann i just want to switch off and on electric appliances like my computer speakers with the remote.

im new here to but it seems the best to do from what i know is to have like a remote operated motor on a switch...

but you would have to have a differnet switch with a different channel reciever for each appliance in your house... sounds a like a pain...but i think it could be done... if you use the same channel on all of them then you would turn everything off in range of the remote at the same time... and if you use one switch to plaug everything into and one chanel to that then everything plugged into that switch will turn off at the same

Well you can use a RELAY. It works like a switch. Google it.

Why don't you try controlling some equipment ( two or three AC bulbs) using PC's parallel port first. The parallel port can supply a DC voltage of 3-4 volts. You can amplify that voltage and apply it to the input coil of a relay.

The output side of the relay can be connected like a simple switch in your AC circuit. You use the PC to control that switch.

Once, you are through with this. You can try out something more advanced.

He's doing it just for fun; that's why I suggested an easier project that would clarify a few concepts, before he proceeds to the full-fledged design. He's a computer student and doesn't know the advanced electronics stuff thats needed to DESIGN the remote-control based system.

Still, "realin" if you are willing to do the whole can get schematics of similar projects on the internet.
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