About ultrasound transducer and image conversion from that output

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Newbie level 3
Jan 1, 2013
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hi ,

i wish to build an ultrasound scanning device for pregnancy. here i thought of buyng ultrasound transducer from market. can i get some information where can i get the required transducer? if there,what wil it produce as an output...i have also read in some source that these transducers work on piezoelectric effect where reflected echoes were converted into electrical signal.i need to know how that wil be processed to an image.. am new to these stuff and am vry glad to noe if anyone help me out of this???

ultrasonic scanning requires expertise in many areas, like signal processing, echo/ doppler, image processing, DSP, digital filtering, pattern matching, analog circuitry etc etc. The frequency of the ultrasound in medical is usually around Mhz range, and the sensors are piezo. common ones in market will probably be only 40khz.
Please check out this link.

**broken link removed**

Iam a Btech student . So, Currently working on producing B-Mode images from these tansducers. Suppose Iam having this device, What are the steps that are needed to be done to obtain B-MOde iMage or VDO from it. To be more clear, Iam eager to now how these electrical signals give VDO output. I know its not an ec task. Still, Just somebody please list out all the steps which come under this.

Thanks in advance.
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