About the Radiation Pattern and Working Frequency, and Microstrip Antenna

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Newbie level 6
May 3, 2013
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Dear All,

I am quite new to HFSS and Antenna world, and just done some simulations with Antenna following some tutorials. I have some questions here, thanks for your helps:

1. When the radiation pattern is generated, which frequency does it work?
I suppose radiation pattern varies as changing the frequency, so which frequency do we observe when checking the radi. pattern in HFSS? The frequency where S11 has lowest value ?

2. In the design of recutangular microstrip antenna, there should be the copper pouring beneath the substrate (on the bottom level of PCB). However in most of the tutorials I have seen, they do not draw the bottom level conductor, instead, when setting the conduct boundary, only the bottom face of the substrate is chosen to perfect E. I have tried adding one layer of conductor, and I do find the difference in the simulation.

3. When using the antenna, we connect the ground to the bottom level copper. However, when simulating it in HFSS, according to the tutorials, I have not seen this step. It just simply sets the conduct boundary to Perfect E. Could someone give me some clue why doing so is enough?

Thanks so much for all of your helps.
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