No, I don't want to know how to distinguish a CPLD from a FPGA - I CAN read...
However, i consider to buy the Lattice MachXO2 breakout board, which is a CPLD
I've worked with FPGA so far and this would be my 1st FPGA/CPLD for private use
Thing is, there are no restrictions of what i want to do or try with it, plus i am a
beginner, so it is unclear what kind of projects i am going to do.
Biggest interest for now is design workflow, coding techniques, programming skill - of FPGAs, however.
Keeping that in mind, would you think i would regret to choose a CPLD as my very first? Topics like "On a CPLD, you quickly run out of FF's" and "Can I replaced CPLD with FPGA?" sounds very interesting - i want to see that on my own. Plus, FPGAs might have more flexible/dedicated hardware units, but that MXO2 has some pretty nice features as well.
Another thing, while i understand the difficulty to define a device as a FPGA or a CPLD, the MXO2 is sold as a CPLD, and described as "ultra-low density FPGA" and "MachXO2 FPGA", even in the manual. In fact, there is only one occurrence of the term "PLD" in the user guide. So, from the manufacturers point of view, does that mean it doesn't matter how you look at it, or, that it is like a FPGA but sold at the price of a CPLD?
Again, i'm looking for:
- things i might want to consider (and i most likely will, due to lack of experience)
- hints, tips, experiences, problems, basically everything and anything, but definitions