about protecting the copyright of a freelance design

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Member level 5
Sep 24, 2004
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Hello All

I have a question directed by a friend who works as a freelance electronic(chip level, not ic level) designer. He is not into ic design but recently he tried a circuit design in some spice simulator and found it to be working well. He would like to propose the design to company that might be interested. It is a consumer circuit. However, he worried if he tells too much to any company and may end up giving the design idea for free to them. He is around 60 year old and has never been in ic design. I want to know what can he do?
How to protect his idea and design? Can he file a patent or something?
What is the right way to approach a design company for his proposal? The correct way to propose the original idea and also to make sure he is not being cheated.

Will there be chances some company also have the same design but do not file the patent in order to protect the confidential information? If happens he is in this situation where the company already has that idea, what should he do to avoid the dilemma?

I am not sure if I have asked clearly, hope you can give some good advice here.

Kindly enlighten.

Thank you All

best regards

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