About analog IC system engineer

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Junior Member level 2
Jan 3, 2006
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Any one knows what kind of job the Analog IC system engineer is? Is this job interesting and challenging? and what‘s the career development possibility of this job?

I have about ten years' analog IC design experience, mainly focused on power management products. Is this position suit for me?

appreciate your suggestion.

Never heard of such a thing, but I'd guess that it implies
architectural responsibilities in a "big analog integration"
system-on-chip kind of outfit.

That, or HR is full of idiots.

My opinion has always been a analog IC system engineer is the one who creates a product family by knowing what customers want, creating all the specs and architecture completely from scratch. Like predicting the future of the product evolution. I would then say an analog IC designer would just make a product that a he/she is told to make... I am not saying that the analog designer doesn't invent things... Its just a lower level designer. Like think on how you first started out doing IC design. You didn't just start out say... I am going to make this new power block with blah blah blah.. Someone told you to make it... the system engineer guy/gal..

Just my two cents,

I also think IC system engineer is a valuable job, just like the commander in a battle, he needs to analyze the situation of both enemy and our own and make decision. 孙子兵法里有句话“知己知彼,百战不殆”
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