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a square pulse is a digital or an analog signal

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Newbie level 3
Dec 20, 2004
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hey can any one help me out? is the square pulse is an analog or a digital signal?
can pulses be analog?

If it has rise edge and fall edge specs it is analog. If no it is digital.

If it has rise edge and fall edge specs it is analog. If no it is digital.

it's relative because every pulse has positiv/negativ edge, it's depent on your application , ie:
how high frequency you used

A pulse or pulses are analog signals, however, if you define anyting below low level threshold as logic 0 and above high level threshold as logic 1, the same pulse can be treated as 0-1 logic signal so you can call it digital signal

a rectangular pulse theoritically is a continous digital
signal but practically it is an analog signal

If you are interested in the actual value or magnitude of the signal for example the actual voltage level of the signal then you should consider it as a analog signal.
But if you are only interested in a high or low value of the signal like in binary i.e above a certain magnitude the signal is high (1) and below that it is low (0) then the pulse should be considered as a digital signal.


It can be considered digital if it meets logical threshold levels, but basicaly it is an analog signal with a start voltage, a final voltage and dv/dt raising an falling edges.

well !!!! i personally think is that if we take a very high frequency analog signal whose freq tends to infinity then we would get the square pulse. we get the digital signal because of is just the representation of analog signal between two voltage values.

An digital signal is simply ones and zeros. It is normally obtained via a decision device imposed on an analog signal.
Of course, the more widely used definition is the one based on gut instinct. Anything that "looks digital" is digital.

i think digital signals are discrete time discret amplitude signals,they just pulses at instances of time.but if u stretch the pulse u get a analog continuous signal.
square pulse is a analog signal.

Thats True, If u stretch your digital signal, it looks like a analogue signal i.e at higher frequency. Because all the signal have some slew rate.
But as long as the slew rate of the ur signal is very small,then it is digital.
So this depends on where your trying to input your square wave signal & what is the operating frequency?

All signals are analog. This is an analog world!

Based on application we can use it as analog or digital signal...

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