A simple dosimeter – radiation detector

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Advanced Member level 4
Aug 2, 2011
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Elements needed:
  • tube
  • electronics for a transformer
  • housing
  • mounting elements
Some elements are in housing type SMD.

The plate was done by iron method and mounted. Suppressor turned out to be the most problematic issue in whole device. Finally, it was made of the wire from second winding, carcass and a thick ferrite core. It was about 200 coils and 160V.

The voltage measure point was moved via 5Mohm resistors. The D4 diode was moved to a quick one, from ATX supply.
It gave 350V, what made the tube working.
Mechanical construction:
Assumptions were to build a small and quite solid device. The universal housing seemed ideal for this. A radiator from ATX supply was cut to size.

The tube was placed in a piece of PVC pipe used for electrical installations. Cut to size discs made of hard foam were placed on both ends. Between them the pipe was placed and the whole was secured with thermo-glue.
The suppressor was secured with insulating tape and attached to the housing by a clamping band. The tube was attached to the housing in the same method. It was also dyed black with spray.

Plate with electrics was screwed to the side wall. On the same wall a power connector was placed.

Two LED diodes were attached to the device. One of them signalizes that the device is on. The second diode blinks a moment after detecting a molecule – when an impulse arises.
The front panel was made in Corel. The laser print was laminated and stuck to the front of the housing.

A round hole was cut and covered with a piece of fabric, in order to make the buzzer more audible. Laminated front was stuck to that.

The basis disadvantage of the device is external power supply. For the proper performance, the system needs 12V, it takes then about 50mA, so a battery supply would be available. It depends on the needs of its user.

Link to original thread – Prosty dozymetr - detektor promieniowania

Thanks for sharing. Radiation is energy traveling in the form of particles or waves in bundles of energy called photons.The basic principle behind this instrument is the use of a special material which glows or "scintillates" when radiation interacts with it.

The basic principle behind this instrument is the use of a special material which glows or "scintillates" when radiation interacts with it.
Not exactly. It uses a GM tube. Geiger

Not exactly. It uses a GM tube. Geiger

Maybe they use few grams of uranium as component they say :
"behind this instrument is the use of a special material which glows" :smile:

One sugestion base on my opinion, this is not dosimeter!
Dosimeter meter a dose and summarized (all received dose - amount of complete radiation received in some time period), and this what I see is just a counter.

But, nice project!

Gaiger tube is biggest problem in such projects. Perhaps price will fall.

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