A Question regarding Technical Standards

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Advanced Member level 1
May 10, 2020
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I'm not sure whether I can ask this question here. But since, I feel that it is somewhat related to electrical, I am asking here.

  1. I read that CAN bus was originally developed by Bosch. But they released it in the SAE conference (1986). Similarly, I2C was developed by Philips alone, SPI by Motorola and some others.
My question is, when CAN bus was released by Bosch at the conference, the other companies started to use this standard in their chips. For example, we have NXP IC having CAN interface. In that case, to use the CAN standard in the NXP IC, does NXP have to pay some money to Bosch? Or does NXP have to pay some money to the SAE conference? Or it is like a membership fee that the companies have to pay to attend the conference and get to know the standards that other companies develop? Or are they free to use?

Just want to know how the usage of standards by others work without/with money?


  1. If I google to get some technical standard documents, they seem to be unavailable to me and they are asking to pay. In that case, why should I pay just to learn new things as standards? Why and how do they make/want money just for me to read standards?

A CAN device that uses 11-bit identifiers is commonly called CAN 2.0A and a CAN device that uses 29-bit identifiers is commonly called CAN 2.0B. These standards are freely available from Bosch along with other specifications and white papers.

Standards are written by committees, funded in part by tax payer - country dependent - To fund the people who hopefully write unbiased common sense standards - they charge for the privilege of owning a copy.

Some technical standards present a trade barrier to lesser developed nations.

Interpreting a standard often calls for a good deal of technical experience in that same field.

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