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Hi all, from the book "Design of Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits“writed by Razavi, in page 122, under the figure 4.30, there have a sentence:"To calulate the gain from.......writing ID1=gm1*(Vin,CM-Vp), ID2=gm2*(Vin,CM-Vp)" I think this two equation is not right. We know ID=1/2*K*(Vgs-Vt)^2, and we calulate that the gm should be K*(Vgs-Vt), i.e. gm=K*(Vgs-Vt). so I think ID should be 1/2*K*(Vgs-Vt), i.e. ID=1/2*gm*(Vgs-Vt), i.e. ID1=1/2*gm1*(Vin,CM-Vp) rather than ID1=gm1*(Vin,CM-Vp) that writed by Razavi
各位,我有一个问题: 在Razavi的书中,第122页的图4.30下面一段,Razavi写道:To calulate the gain from.......writing ID1=gm1*(Vin,CM-Vp), ID2=gm2*(Vin,CM-Vp)。我对这个公式有些怀疑:根据饱和区电流公式:ID=1/2*K*(Vgs-Vt)^2,我们可以得到跨导gm=K*(Vgs-Vt)。所以漏电流应该是ID=1/2*gm*(Vgs-Vt), 而不是ID1=gm1*(Vin,CM-Vp)。
I do not know if my idea is correct. I think I can get help from here.
各位,我有一个问题: 在Razavi的书中,第122页的图4.30下面一段,Razavi写道:To calulate the gain from.......writing ID1=gm1*(Vin,CM-Vp), ID2=gm2*(Vin,CM-Vp)。我对这个公式有些怀疑:根据饱和区电流公式:ID=1/2*K*(Vgs-Vt)^2,我们可以得到跨导gm=K*(Vgs-Vt)。所以漏电流应该是ID=1/2*gm*(Vgs-Vt), 而不是ID1=gm1*(Vin,CM-Vp)。
I do not know if my idea is correct. I think I can get help from here.