bagel520, you are right, the definition of noise figure is for an input equivalent temperature of 290K, or an input noise power density of -174 dBm/Hz.
This condition is not met at the input of your second amp, where the noise power is -154 dBm.
But the noise figure of a device actually shows how much noise is generated internally in this device. The definition is: NF= (available noise at the output) / (available noise at the output if the device was noiseless - that is, no added internal noise), also at 290K
The internal noise is a constant and is given by:
Ni = (F-1)*G*k*T0
You can try to calculate this value for the amps and check the noise levels along your chain. For example, at the output of the second amp you should have:
No1*G+Ni - in Watts, not dBm
I hope this helps