Amin Khorsandi
Member level 2
Hi everyone. I wrote this program in codevision just for testing WDT (watchdog)
If I put nothing instead of "XXXXXXX" the watchdog works and resets the program.
But if I replace "XXXXXX" by "delay_ms(1);" , watchdog won't work and won't reset the program.
And the funny part, if I replace it by "delay_us(1000)" , watchdog will work and will reset the program.8-O
it means that "delay_ms(1)" and "delay_us(1000) are different :!::!::!:
please give me some recommendations.
#include <mega64.h>
#include <delay.h>
void main(void)
// Watchdog Timer initialization
// Watchdog Timer Prescaler: OSC/16k
#pragma optsize-
#pragma optsize+
while (1)
If I put nothing instead of "XXXXXXX" the watchdog works and resets the program.
But if I replace "XXXXXX" by "delay_ms(1);" , watchdog won't work and won't reset the program.
And the funny part, if I replace it by "delay_us(1000)" , watchdog will work and will reset the program.8-O
it means that "delay_ms(1)" and "delay_us(1000) are different :!::!::!:
please give me some recommendations.