A/gilen/t A/D/S Graphs - how to make a legend?

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Jan 2, 2002
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A/gilen/t A/D/S Graphs

I have a problem with graphs created in ads windows version
and the name of my problem is legend...
I have no idea how to get sth like box with curves title on my graph :<
Can you help me? any of you?

I never remember those graphs to have legends (beside the name of the curves with their colors on the left-side of the graph)..

Usually I see the examples do legends manually (insert a line in the data display with match-color, then text, then repeat for other graphs..)

I know, it is kinda silly that such a big powerful software does not implement such a feature..Well, maybe they have it, but I never noticed it, and maybe their examples guys did not notice it either

Other than right click -> Item Options and then Plot Options tab and choose a title/X-label/Y-label, I don't think ADS allows the custom naming of the data which is plotted...

If you actually click on the left-side label which has the data name and change that data you'll get the graph deleted and data will be 'invalid'.

Somehow it matches the name of the data to the actual data plotted.


you both have decribed my problrm perfectly :>
however in linux vesion there is possibility to use boxed leged instead of side one like in windows version, that's why i had to ask...

"Somehow it matches the name of the data to the actual data plotted."
u can define an equation to name ur graph.

what about seven curves on one graph?
have you ever tried to publish document with legend bigger than very image? :?
i don't even want to try, that's why i need boxed one...

if too many traces needed in one graph, i export the data into a text file and plot it using sigmaplot.

Even if you can plot it in ADS, the quality of the output is not good for publication.


I am using MW Office (AWR) for plotting anything. Just, export the data in s2p format for example, and plot it. After exporting, AWR has a very pewerful graph tool that I have ever met.

You can customize anything. Colors, axis, line weights, legend, limits, etc...

I suggest you to use awr.


it might be solution eventually :>

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