;; C Run-time startup module for dsPIC30 C compiler.
;; (c) Copyright 2002,2004,2007 Microchip Technology, All rights reserved
;; Primary version, with data initialization support.
;; The linker loads this version when the --data-init
;; option is selected.
;; See file crt1.s for the alternate version without
;; data initialization support.
;; Entry __reset takes control at device reset and
;; performs the following:
;; 1. initialize stack and stack limit register
;; 2. initialize PSV window if __const_length > 0
;; 3. process the data initialization template
;; 4. call the user's _main entry point
;; Assigned to section .init, which may be allocated
;; at a specific address in linker scripts.
;; Supports the zero-parameter form of main() by default.
;; If the symbol __ARGV is defined, supports the two-parameter
;; form of main().
;; Un-comment the following line to define symbol __ARGV:
;; .equiv __ARGV,1
.equ __30F2010, 1
.include "p30f2010.inc"
.section .init,code
.global __resetPRI
.ifdef __C30ELF
.type __resetPRI,@function
.weak __reset
.ifdef __C30ELF
.type __reset,@function
;; Initialize stack, PSV, and data
;; registers used: w0
;; Inputs (defined by user or linker):
;; __SP_init
;; __SPLIM_init
;; Outputs:
;; (does not return - resets the processor)
;; Calls:
;; __psv_init
;; __data_init
;; _main or __main
mov #__SP_init,w15 ; initialize w15
mov #__SPLIM_init,w0 ;
mov w0,_SPLIM ; initialize SPLIM
nop ; wait 1 cycle
rcall __psv_init ; initialize PSV
rcall __data_init ; initialize data
; clears w0, so ARGC = 0
.ifdef __ARGV
rcall __main ; call two-parameter main() setup
call _main ; call user's main()
.pword 0xDA4000 ; halt the simulator
reset ; reset the processor
.weak __psv_init
;; Initialize PSV window if _constlen > 0
;; Registers used: w0
;; Inputs (defined by linker):
;; __const_length
;; __const_psvpage
;; Outputs:
;; (none)
bclr _CORCON,#PSV ; disable PSV (default)
mov #__const_length,w0 ;
cp0 w0 ; test length of constants
bra z,1f ; br if zero
mov #__const_psvpage,w0 ;
mov w0,_PSVPAG ; PSVPAG = psvpage(constants)
bset _CORCON,#PSV ; enable PSV
1: return ; and exit
.weak __data_init
;; Process data init template
;; The template is null-terminated, with records
;; in the following format:
;; struct data_record {
;; char *dst; /* destination address */
;; int len; /* length in bytes */
;; int format; /* format code */
;; char dat[0]; /* variable length data */
;; };
;; Registers used: w0 w1 w2 w3 w4 w5
;; Inputs (defined by linker):
;; __dinit_tbloffset
;; __dinit_tblpage
;; Outputs:
;; (none)
;; Calls:
;; __memcpypd3
.equiv FMT_CLEAR,0 ; format codes
.equiv FMT_COPY2,1 ;
.equiv FMT_COPY3,2 ;
mov #__dinit_tbloffset,w0 ; w0,w1 = template
mov #__dinit_tblpage,w1 ;
bra 4f ; br to continue
1: add w0,#2,w0 ; template+=2
addc w1,#0,w1 ;
mov w1,_TBLPAG ; TBLPAG = tblpage(template)
tblrdl.w [w0],w3 ; w3 = len
add w0,#2,w0 ; template+=2
addc w1,#0,w1 ;
mov w1,_TBLPAG ; TBLPAG = tblpage(template)
tblrdl.w [w0],w5 ; w5 = format
add w0,#2,w0 ; template+=2
addc w1,#0,w1 ;
clr w4 ; upper = FALSE (default)
cp w5,#FMT_CLEAR ; test format
bra nz,2f ; br if not FMT_CLEAR
;; FMT_CLEAR - clear destination memory
dec w3,w3 ; decrement & test len
bra n,4f ; br if negative
repeat w3 ;
clr.b [w2++] ; clear memory
bra 4f ; br to continue
;; FMT_COPY2, FMT_COPY3 - copy bytes
2: cp w5,#FMT_COPY2 ; test format
bra z,3f ; br if FMT_COPY2
setm w4 ; upper = TRUE
3: rcall __memcpypd3 ; copy 2 or 3 bytes
4: mov w1,_TBLPAG ; TBLPAG = tblpage(template)
tblrdl.w [w0],w2 ; w2 = next dst
cp0 w2 ;
bra nz,1b ; loop on non-zero dst
retlw #0,w0 ; exit (clears ARGC also)
;; Copy data from program memory to data memory
;; Registers used: w0 w1 w2 w3 w4 w5
;; Inputs:
;; w0,w1 = source address (24 bits)
;; w2 = destination address (16 bits)
;; w3 = number of bytes (even or odd)
;; w4 = upper byte flag (0 = false)
;; Outputs:
;; w0,w1 = next source address (24 bits)
1: mov w1,_TBLPAG ; TBLPAG = tblpage(src)
mov w0,w5 ; w5 = tbloffset(src)
add w0,#2,w0 ; src+=2
addc w1,#0,w1 ;
tblrdl.b [w5++],[w2++] ; dst++ = lo byte
dec w3,w3 ; num--
bra z,2f ; br if done
tblrdl.b [w5--],[w2++] ; dst++ = hi byte
dec w3,w3 ; num--
bra z,2f ; br if done
cp0 w4 ; test upper flag
bra z,1b ; br if false
tblrdh.b [w5],[w2++] ; dst++ = upper byte
dec w3,w3 ; num--
bra nz,1b ; br if not done
2: return ; exit
.ifdef __ARGV
;; Initialize a stack frame to support
;; the two-parameter form of main()
;; Registers used: w0 w1
;; Inputs:
;; (none)
;; Outputs:
;; (none)
;; Calls:
;; _main
lnk #6 ; construct frame
mov #0,w0 ; store a null terminator
mov.b w0,[w15-6] ; for program name
sub w15,#6,w1
mov w1,[w15-4] ; argv[0] = &pgmname
mov w0,[w15-2] ; argv[1] = 0
mov #1,w0 ; w0 = argc
sub w15,#4,w1 ; w1 = &argv
call _main ; call the user's main()
ulnk ; destroy frame
return ; and exit