Junior Member level 1
A/D/5/P-2/1/1/6/0's link-port architecture. ...
hey does anyone out there have specs or a description of how the A/D/SP-2/1/1/6/0's link-port architecture for multi proccessor systems works, timing digrams would also be useful. (more detail required than is provided by their site.) More specifically on how the link port system allows for shared access by all processors to all other processors processor's local memory. This I want!!!
hey does anyone out there have specs or a description of how the A/D/SP-2/1/1/6/0's link-port architecture for multi proccessor systems works, timing digrams would also be useful. (more detail required than is provided by their site.) More specifically on how the link port system allows for shared access by all processors to all other processors processor's local memory. This I want!!!