A circuit for water sprinkler

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Member level 3
Nov 17, 2012
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Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
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I want a circuit for water sprinkler which can be interfaced with the microcontroller and can be automated by programming.

does it use electronic valves to control the water?

No, it's just for a project purpose.
I want a circuit which is interrelated with soil moisture sensor.
The idea is such that when the water level in the ground gets low, the water sprinkler starts to sprinkle the water until it reaches the sufficient level.
This kind of circuit i want.
I tried a lot, but i was unable to make one.

I advise that you can read some information about:Embedded micro-controller and processor design,maybe it can help you.

I want to interface the water sprinkler circuit with 89C51/52.
The circuit which u gave doesn't have anything like water sprinkler or pump...

The circuit is what you want. Actually it shows relays to control the water sprinkler pumps. The pumps are not shown. It uses LPC mcu you can use any mcu.

A certain amount of current flows through the probes and it is converted to voltage in the range of 0-5v and given to mcu ADC i/p. It is calibrated for certain value so that the pump turn ON at a specific moisture and turn OFF at another specific moisture.

I don't have the circuit, but I have asked its author to send me the circuit. Hope she send the circuit.

What probe do you want to use? Do you have any specific probe to be used?

But how am i suppose to program it when i don't even have the circuit?

- - - Updated - - -

Sir, i have the circuit of Soil Moisture sensor, i want the circuit to run the water sprinkler that can be interfaced with 89C51/52..

If you have the circuit then post it, so that it can be interfaced with mcu and relay and other components can be implemented in the circuit.

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