A Car Park Management System

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Newbie level 2
Nov 6, 2010
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hi everone ...

any one can help me to find the sutable RFID to my project ?
this is the idea :

In this project, a wireless sensor network is used to design an intelligent car parking management system. In the
system, low-cost wireless sensors are deployed into a car park field to detect and monitor the occupation of the
parking space. The status of the parking field detected by the sensor nodes is reported periodically to a database
via the deployed wireless sensor network. The database is used as a part of the management system to perform
different functions, such as finding vacant parking space, charging, security, and generating periodic statistics.
* our design is to divide the area to many groups consists of four lots ...
* every group contain RFID

1- directional for 360 degree
2-i want from this RFID to detect which lot is empty and which not ...
3-also where the car exactly stop from these four lots and this car is belong for whom?
4-and these data will displayed on LCD to guid the driver ...
5- there are 2 tags one on the ground ( to know the lot which is empty )and the other on the car ( to know this car is belong for whom ) ..

Thanks ..

Plz replay as soon as possiple :smile:

our design is to divide the area to many groups consists of four lots ...
* every group contain RFID

Please clear
Each group is having four parking lot.. and each parking lot is having RFID Reader or Between four Parking lot there is only one reader..
i think you are saying each group that is one RFID reader is shared between four parking lots..

there are 2 tags one on the ground ( to know the lot which is empty )and the other on the car ( to know this car is belong for whom )
instead of tags for finding parking lot is empty or not just use
proximity detetors
or metal detectors
force sensors

low cost RFID (125Kz) range is just 2-4cm only and tags will be on car and rfid reader will be on ceiling or some pillar and distance between them will be in feets and you told you want only one rfid reader among four parking lot.

You definately need a 13.56Mhz RFID or some VHF or UHF reader which are of high range..
i think you are saying each group that is one RFID reader is shared between four parking lots..

Yes that what i mean

instead of tags for finding parking lot is empty or not just use
proximity detetors
or metal detectors
force sensors

Good ,,, But are these expensive ?
metal detectors I think it will detect any metal even it is not car
force sensors ,,,, Where the suitable place for these sensors because if it is on Ground It will detect the human who walk on it !!

low cost RFID (125Kz) range is just 2-4cm only and tags will be on car and rfid reader will be on ceiling or some pillar and distance between them will be in feets and you told you want only one rfid reader among four parking lot.

You definately need a 13.56Mhz RFID or some VHF or UHF reader which are of high range..[/QUOTE]

Ok,, could u tell me the axactlly type because I found alot and I lost ,,,

Thank u very mutch ,, actually I am student and I dont have a good background about RFId

I need the system to be not expensive And Smart

Good ,,, But are these expensive ?
metal detectors I think it will detect any metal even it is not car
force sensors ,,,, Where the suitable place for these sensors because if it is on Ground It will detect the human who walk on it !!

Cheapest Readymade ir Sensor is 90Rs
**broken link removed**
even more better one you can make your own within 150Rs. there is no RFID Reader Cost involved

Metal detectors can be tunned in such a way that they detect only big metals
load cells or force sensors also can be of more then 200Kg categorty so humans will not activate

One option is you can keep RFID in Entrace and EXIT and such that they can read tags(You cannot place tags inside car as metal will obstruct RF)
that way you can recognize which or whose car has come for parking.

and as we discussed instead of rfid some other sensor can be used to detect parking lot is full of empty...
even you can have beam interrupter made up of cheap lasers and LDR (for each parking lot you can two lasers and two ldr)

Why go for RFID, it will be tooo costly and difficult to implement as the range of the reader will is very small. Go for IR concept, and check the slots empty or full in your software itself. Same concept i used to make multi storyed car parking system. That involved more of coding too for checking many conditions, but in your case you know how many slots are there and check the number of vehicles coming inside the gate and increment the counter in program.
I think nikhilele meant IR instead of LDR.

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