A 2 band resistor? Two meters with such big reading difference?

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Advanced Member level 1
Apr 19, 2006
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Hello everybody,
On a circuit, there is a component soldered and I believe this is a resistor of 2 band...but I also noted it's inductance value. I could not found out any 2 band resistors on the internet and they usually starts from at least 3 and upto 5 bands. On automatic detection, MASTECH meter is identifying it as a resistor with value of 2.33K Ohms, the picture of component is also shown here. I had two meters handy with me at that time, picture is also shown here, so I tested with both of them with component removed from the circuit.

UNI-T Multimeter is giving around 133K Ohms and MASTECH SMD Tester is giving around 2.33K Ohms only on this component. Whereas all readings were identical by two meters when tested on different resistor values.

1)What do you think this is?
2)Why there is a such big reading difference only on this component on resistance measurement mode by two meters as shown in the picture?
3)Recommend me any reasonable priced desktop based LCR meter which gives accurate component readings which is in your usage and your experience.


From its size it looks more like a diode. Try a diode test to see if it drops about 0.6V in the forward direction and seems open circuit in the other direction. Using an LCR meter on a diode could give misleading results.

I'd say its an Axial Diode, Try doing a diode check with it out of circuit. It should conduct one way and not the the other. Possibly confusing your measurement kit if your not testing the right parameter
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