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How to plug a 13,5v to JDM PIC programmer ?

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jdm with external power supply


I'm using the PICBURNER programmer at my LAPTOP, and due I have to use an USB/RS232 cable converter, it doesn't have enought bias courrent to supply the board ( this board is supplied by flowcontrol pins of COM port ).

But, I would like to plug an external power source. Anybody knows at witch point of circuit I could plug this power ?



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jdm programmer with external power supply

That's because it actually writes to the internal UART registers directly .. which a USB to RS232 adapter does not expose.

jdm pic programmer

I'm not sure.

Because the program I use is the IC-prog, which have the option to access the PC UART even with direct IO or with Windows API. And at both cases, it did not work.

I still believe that the reason to don't work is too low bias courrent to charge the capactitors at voltage-doubler circuit, and at this case an external power supply could help.

Don't you agree ?


pic programmer jdm

andre_teprom said:
I'm not sure.

Because the program I use is the IC-prog, which have the option to access the PC UART even with direct IO or with Windows API. And at both cases, it did not work.

I still believe that the reason to don't work is too low bias courrent to charge the capactitors at voltage-doubler circuit, and at this case an external power supply could help.

Don't you agree ?

No USB to RS232 adapters do not work with JDM style programmers.

Just because you want something to work won't make it work.
Unless you're Chuck Norris

zewnętrzne zasilanie jdm

If you don't have serial port why not try this forum

I tried this it it works well on me.

usb adapter rs232 jdm programmer

nomad13 said:
If you don't have serial port why not try this forum

I tried this it it works well on me.

It requires a preprogrammed 16F84A PIC, you might a well build a serial ICD2 clone (about the same amount of parts). Much better programmer with MPLAB support, and a debugger to boot.

how voltages are generated in jdm programmer


Thanks all for your help, but I'm still not convinced that it is impossible to work with an external power supply. If the 13.5 volts is generated by some flowcontrol pin of RS232 COM port ( and if is also the root of the problem ), I think it would work this way.

While someone do not explain exactly a constraint to implement it, I don't accept the "Chuck Norris" ∞ rule. :D

Thank U


external supply jdm programmer

The problem is not the voltage level but the interface because jdm needs a real serial port I have tried what you are trying to do with no luck. JDM is also not so consistent. The software available also don't support rs232 converter so stop wasting your time and try to build another type of programmer.


a13 rs232

I told you the reason from day one.

It's not just about the voltage level.

That's because it actually writes to the internal UART's registers directly .. which a USB to RS232 adapter does not expose.

The UART's are on the motherboard.

It's not on the USB-RS232 convertor which is just a USB capable uC - the software cannot directly control this uC to get the required swings.

Best thing is - you try and implement a JDM from scratch and get back to us with your experience.

That way you will understand what is going on.

No no -- don't ask any more questions.

Just do it.

I just thought I would share my experience ...
I tried JDM programmer with usb to serial adapter with Picpgm software
The software could autodetect the JDM programmer on COM4 but it could not detect PIC
What could be the reason ?
I did not use any external supply.


Using or building a PICkit2 clone will the final answer out of the problem. Files are found all over EDA board and on the web. Only need is the get the firmware programmed first.
Can you please suggest where should I buy pickit2 clone from ? I am from India.
And will pickit2 clone work well with windows 7 x64 ?

You may refer for PIC cruizer which is basically a PICkit2 clone, and it works with Vista and windows 7 too as it has no drivers. Just the programming software controls it all. Pickit2 is a human interface device so dont worry about OS's. You can read about sismilar question here, which is ultimately solved.

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