What is the purpose of ULN if it is connected to a,b,c,d,e,f,g,dp pins of SSD? It is not needed. Each uC pin can source or sink 25 mA. Only one SSD will be ON at a time as it is multiplexed and each segment is connected to one pin of SSD and with a current limiting resistor each segment of one SSD will draw onlu 10 to 15 mA current. ULN can only sink current. You need transistors to enable/disable the SSDs. As you are using CA type SSD the enable pins should be connected to Collector of PNP transistor and emitter to +Ve supply. This way enable pin is made high to turn ON the particular SSD and a,p,c,d,e,f,g,dp pins are made low to turn on the segments of a SSD.
Edit: You are driving 4 in SSDs, so you need ULN. Try pulling-up the outputs of ULN2803.