89c51 programmer query: the first 10 digits of hex file

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Junior Member level 2
Jun 29, 2005
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89c51 sample hex file

i have confusion
that about hex file i understand all the requirment formaking programmer thourgh pc by c language and parllel port but i didnt understand wut shoul i do bout first
10 digit of hex file should i send those to my controller or should i send only my code i m very very confuse plz
help me

as u can see in above hex file first some digit r only some information regarding
hex file
i m lookig for u ppl reply
for u this just kidding for me it is jinx
help me break this

89c51 programmer

10 digit of hex file should i send those to my controller

where are those 10 digit ?

as u can see in above hex file first some digit r only some information regarding hex file

I can see only an unfinished list of a hex file with missing record type 01=End of File

Here is your dissasembled code for partial hex file:

	ORG 0000h

	LJMP L0030

	ORG 000Bh
	LJMP L07F2      ;(Timer0 INT)

	ORG 001Bh 
	LJMP L07C2      ;(Timer1 INT)

L0030:	MOV P3,#0FEh
	MOV A,#38h
	LCALL L0837
	MOV A,#0Ch
	LCALL L0837
	MOV A,#01h
	LCALL L0837
	CLR P0.6
	SETB P0.6
	MOV R0,#0FFh
L004B:	MOV @R0,#00h    ;clear 256 bytes IRAM
	DJNZ R0,L004B
	MOV P1,#0FFh
	MOV P3,#0FFh
	MOV P0,#0FFh
	MOV SP,#2Fh
	SETB P3.7
	SETB P3.6
	MOV DPTR,#L0040
	MOV R0,#50h
	MOV IE,#8Ah     ;enable timer interrupts
	MOV TH0,#3Ch
	MOV TL0,#0B0h   ;load timer 0 for 50 ms
	MOV TH1,#3Ch
	MOV TL1,#0B0h   ;load timer 1 for 50 ms
	MOV TMOD,#11h   ;set 16 bit timer
	CLR P2.3
	LCALL L0700

As you can see there are some unresolved calls due to missing lines from your hex file.

If you just cut the hex file in order to not scroll down to the page bottom then just feed your 89C51 programmer with complete hex file and don't try deciphering the meanings of hex file.

If what you post is all your hex file, then you have a problem.

Why do you think that there are two things : your code and those "10 digit" ?

It's only a hex file. Don't try to split the information in whatever you think is hidden behind those digits. Just send the hex file to your programmer. He will succeed to clear your confusion.

89c51 programming utility

hi tiksh,

so .... you want to build a programmer for 8051 thru the parallel port but you have problems with interpreting the hex file.

wut shoul i do bout first
10 digit of hex file should i send those to my controller or should i send only my code i m very very confuse

you should write only the code to the memory of the mcu but you should extract the memory location address from the first ten digits that you are talking about.

if you want to clearly understand these first ten digits you should read the answer to the question at this url.


i hope this helps you and if you need any further assistance you can feel free to contact me personally as i always wanted to make such a programmer so we might co-operate together

parallel porty 89c 51 programmer

Take this sample code , it;'s work

I have a problem too but with another thinks. When i compiling a code the ram memory take me error /when i try to upload a file/

The end of file for 89c51 is like this :

Re: 89c51 programmer query

This file helful to you !

Re: 89c51 programmer query

Sorry Last file was control graphic LCD 89c51 .
This this file is correct .

Re: 89c51 programmer query

when i compile hex2bin file downloaded from Inet the code start from 0x0030h, but when i wrote a program and compile it my hex file is full with errors
I use Keil C /chip is at89c51/
this is the file from net:

this is my file :
:10000000020003787FE4F6D8FD75810F02007300CB ---------- here is the
:10001000B6006D006D005B00DB00360000000000E4 -----------problem

what kind of Options mu i made?

89c51 programmer query

send me a notes on atmel 89c51 boot loader

Re: 89c51 programmer query

i found a solution for my problem ))))
just change the chip, i have made a simple ISP programmer for 89s52 and have't problem to write

but the problem in prev chip was in programmer, i mus make a first 100 adreses and secont 100 adreses same, and 300 and 400; 500 and 600. All of them ( stupid job i think, My programer not working.

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