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What is the best Antivirus software on the market?

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hi all

which is the best antivirus, available in the market



the strongest antivirus

my personal opinion is NORTON it is very good slows down system but
with recent very high speed processors it doesnt look like a prob..
rest is very good...

strongest antivirus software

For Corporate Symantec Client Security is nice. For individual you can choose Norton 2006.

AVG Antivirus is available as free from

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the strongest antivirus

According to the world rating

BitDefender is the best


what is the strongest antivirus

i have never used bit defender but i use kaspersky coupled with a malicious file removal tool (this u can download from net) it works gr8 for me

what is the strongest antivirus software

elec-eng, I don't believe in what here said about kaspersky antivirus.
I recently used this software. I have 40G HDD, and the scan time of my HDD was approx 1 hour. I don't believe this table.

I use NOD32. :)

which is the strongest antivirus

Professional packages like Norton, Mcafee and PC-Cillin watches the kernel level. So it gives high protection against Kernel Tampering, boot virus and background virus. As the security level is high, the PC speed may slightly reduce.

For modern PCs this wont make big difference.

We cant expect a full kernel level security from a freeware of few MB.

Using a most popular Antivirus provides good support in package updates and virus definitions.


what is the strongest antivirus software?

Check out this one:

A free version of Kaspersky though offered by AOL!!

latest and strongest anti-virus

I suspect that keeping the definitions current is more important than the specific program.

strongest antivirus available

For me PC-Cillin is the best though like other antivirus it reduces processing speed..

strongest antivirus

I serve about hundred computers in firms monthly and also private users.

I can suggest in the order from the experience:

a)on the advantage:
-a lot of memory does not take,
-the good heuristics
-frequent actualizations
a)on the advantage
-removing some rootkits
b)on the disadvantage
-conflicts with different software
-problems with de -installation
a)but for Corporate Symantec Client Security

Panda...hmmmm, tragedy in seven acts...
100 % protection do not have beyond this.
Is additionally to apply Ewido or Spybot with TeaTimer well.
There is the mistake of the projection in Spybot by factory when the Resident is turned on but one using Resource Hacker e.g. can remove him.


strongest antvirus in 2009

Norton is bloated smoking pile of sh*t, if you ask for my opinion. Halts any computer to a crawl unless you have at least 512MB of RAM and that is insane requirement for such application. Go for Kaspersky AV. Version 5 is more than enough, IMHO.

the strong antivirus

I haven't used anti-virus software in years. Just be mindful of what you're downloading and such.

best antivirus

hi guys,

have you used avast, i think it is more effective than norton.

thank you.


which antivirus is the strongest?

i use Norton Antivirus corporate edition...coz now norton antivirus seem hard to install

top 40 best antivirus

Norton Internet Security is the best solution for all things ;)

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