80c51, LCD 16*2,phone keypad projects Can someone help???

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Newbie level 4
May 14, 2011
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Hi to all of you here.
Iam a 21 year old girl from Viet nam.
with little knowledge about microcontrollers and assembly language. My teacher hands me a really difficult project.
my project is: design a 6-channel product counter, with the max number of accumulated impulses is 5000 impulses.
,it involves: onchip 89c51,LCD 16*2, phone keypad.
everytime,as one key is pressed, the LCD 16*2 will display number sign( the name of key is pressed) and the displayed information on second line of LcD 16*2 is the accumulated impulse corresponds that channel.
I have added the unfinished circuit (wizard:18.0k) below ( one friend helped me but now he doesnt bcos some reasons)
Can you finish or do it your way and write the assembly code for my project?
plz help bcoz it's totally out of my ability.( too difficult).
Hope to get nice reply from you guys.:lol:
thanks in advance


  • do_an_tam_thoi.rar
    18 KB · Views: 108

first of all, dont be lazy bug and use your sms skills in the forum.. type complete words in proper english.......

Second... Be bold enough to tell your teacher the problem you are facing in doing the project.. these projects are not a kind which can be done by some one sitting in other part of the world.. as your hardware and software requirements may differ.

Even if you do it, your teacher may be impressed and may give you more tough job later, then what will you do.....

A person is successful in life if he / she is bold enough to tell I dont know rather than being afraid and ask others to help....

learn 8051 controller, programming, and then start simple interfaces and then you see its so simple to do..

visit 8052.com - The Online 8051/8052 Microcontroller Resource - 8052.com they have sample for all your requirements, you can make modifications to them integrate if you need......

hey thanks for u remark even though it;s not very good.........

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