8051 Trainer kit Deisgn

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Junior Member level 2
Feb 26, 2013
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Hello all,
I just want to design and develop a trainer kit for 8051 microcontroller.
I need some support

Q1: In case of development board the IC can be programmed using PC..But,how programming is done in case of trainer kits?
Any support with some reference design schematics or something that could help me will be useful..

Any support some ready made design of the trainer kit(Required features are Keyboard interface,LCD,LED,7-seg display,UART,ADC,DAC and motor control.Keyboard is the way to enter programs)

Arivalagan M

In this link uC reset pin connect to DB9 4 th pin then only it will works..


If want interface 7 segment , Led, Lcd, motor,etc.. Search in google

Thanks for your response..
But the link contains the RS232 interface..
My need is the following.
I need a trainer kit for 8051 uC.
Using keyboard I should enter mnemonics..it should be converted into opcode then it should be executed using uC.
This type of trainer kits(not programmers) are common in university laboratories..I want to design this for my own purpose..

Can somebody help me in doing this?

Arivalagan M

Given link having details about 8051 Trainer kit..

**broken link removed**

**broken link removed**

I hope this helps you..

Thanks for the links..but they enter program using opcodes directly..but,my requirement is that i should enter only mnemonics(through keyboard,but no pc) and it should be converter into opcode directly

You can do it. With the help of AVR controller's. I think its may be need big system like that display and etc..

Are you using this trainer kit for what purpose?

I want to use it for learning purpose..can you give me some idea for doing it using AVR microcontroller?

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