8051 timer and external interrupts in c

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Newbie level 1
Dec 6, 2012
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I want to know how I can use an external interrupt to control a timer interrupt. I am using keil as my compiler and programming in c. Let's say I want to produce a square wave in the timer interrupt and then every time my external interrupt is active I want to turn off/turn on the square wave. I pretty much just want to know how I can use the external interrupt to control my timer interrupt or would I just complement the square wave in the external interrupt anytime the external interrupt is activated? Any advice on how to go about doing this would be great. Thanks!
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When your MCU encounters an external interrupt start the timer which has been initialized previously. Make the timer to generate square wave for the required time and turn OFF. The process repeats with every external interrupt.

When your MCU encounters an external interrupt start the timer which has been initialized previously. Make the timer to generate square wave for the required time and turn OFF. The process repeats with every external interrupt.

also when u startup the timer via the external interrupt,you also have to disable it else the system will hang in an endless loop of the external interrupt service routine

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