The SRAM interface is standard SPI. Here is the wiring between the 8051 and the SRAM.
23k256 <> 8051
Pin 1 /CS < Use any GPIO pin //not chip select, line is low to select device
Pin 2 SO > MISO //master in slave out, the 8051 is the master
Pin 3 NC - No connection
Pin 4 Vss > Ground
Pin 5 SI < MOSI //master out slave in, the 8051 is the master
Pin 6 SCK < SCK (aka SCLK) //SPI SCK
Pin 7 /Hold < Use any GPIO or connect to Vcc if not used //typically not used and tied to Vcc
Pin 8 Vcc < +2.7V to +3.6V
The 8051 is configured as master. Because it is master the not slave select pin (NSS, aka SS or other names) on the 8051 is not used. This 8051 pin can be configured as a GPIO and used for other purposes.
The software is dependent on which 8051 you are using and the IDE, neither was specified.
Hope this helps.