800 watt pure sine wave or modified sine wave inverter schematics & pcb outlay

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Newbie level 3
Nov 2, 2013
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Dear friends,

i shall be highly obliged, if you could provide me 750 or 800 watt pure sine wave inverter or modified sine wave schematics with battery charging, pcb lay out with detailed explanation of components etc especially of transformer as we are facing severe brownouts day and night and i cant afford to buy one for my home, i would like to mention here that i have some old ups 600va, 3 nos, 500va 4Nos, can i use its transformers and other components to build one.

thanking you in anticipation,

Re: 800 watt pure sine wave or modified sine wave inverter schematics & pcb outlay

If you want to use ups transformer then you need spwm design ...or you build your own transformer and for the circuit diagram you can find it on EDAboard when you search well...
Re: 800 watt pure sine wave or modified sine wave inverter schematics & pcb outlay

thanks for the reply,
Re: 800 watt pure sine wave or modified sine wave inverter schematics & pcb outlay

Did your UPS units work in the past? Do they need batteries, etc.?

On second thought, there is a chance they cannot charge the batteries in brownouts.

How much does your mains AC voltage drop?

You will need to build a battery charger which accepts a wide range of AC supply voltage. This job would be easier if the AC mains were stable.

Can you obtain solar panels?

Do you have a nearby stream with a few feet of drop? So that you could install a hydro generator?

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