[SOLVED] 8 x 8 LED Matrix displays using HT1632 (Sure De-DP100's)

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C# is useful for an infinite range of things, so well worth a good look into!
I'm not back for a bit dont worry if I can't answer anything for a while...

If you get the project going in c#, look out for the alterations I did above. You just have to tell it which character number out of the font file to use in replacement, it matters not what character it should be, just make sure it points to a character in the fontfile that looks like what you need..
eg if (c == 'á') nC = 133; 133 could be anything, use the "¬"'s space in the fontfile if all else fails...! You;ll notice I nicked font-character 127 for the Poundsign because of similar...

When the project is running in C#, when the error comes up it will give you a chance to look at the code... Hover your mouse over the [nC] variable and it will tell you what character number is failing.
Good luck, c# is nice even in express (free) form..

I use 8x8PixelFontEdit and loading CP882.pf You'll find this character code.

This is picture similar code.

The updated program is a good! "á"

I would be enough for the next few character: "áÁéÉőŐűŰúÚöÖüÜóÓ" and í Í

Thank you for helping me!

Best Regards
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I've tried your modified program with 8x8PixelFontEdit and loading CP882.pf.

And work!!! "öÖüÜóÓúÚíÍéÉ" but dont work "űŰáÁőŐ". Please me!



---------- Post added at 17:00 ---------- Previous post was at 16:24 ----------

I can modify your code!!!

else {
foreach (char c in textBox1.Text)

string sChars;
int nC = (char)c;
if (c == 'á') nC = 133;
if (nC == 336) nC = 1;
if (nC == 'ű') nC = 251;
if (nC == 'Á') nC = 193;
if (c != '£') sChars = sFont[nC] + "\r\n";
else sChars = sFont[127] + "\r\n";
sDig = sChars.Substring(0, (sChars + ",").IndexOf(","));
sChars = (sChars.Substring(sChars.IndexOf(",")+1)).Trim();
byte b = System.Convert.ToByte(sDig.Trim(),16);
string sBin = Convert.ToString(b, 2);
while(sBin.Length<8) sBin = "0" + sBin;
textBox2.Text += "0b" + sBin + ", " + "// " + sBin.Replace("1","#").Replace("0"," ") + "\r\n";
//textBox2.Text += sDig;


Nearly there mate,! I'm just dining and stuff if you can persevere for a bit, you're doing well.!
Back couple hours

---------- Post added at 18:02 ---------- Previous post was at 17:09 ----------

I've added your alterations to mine and made it pickup the ~s from your fontfile I hope... Its saved as update2.zip in the same place.... Thank you, your fontpic helped...

Did you mean you've altered the one your end successfully? Have you got to the point where you are cut-and-pasting the output of this into the C project to compile onto the board yet? I hope this is all of use to you, I've spent a while working on it while I've been off work for no particular reason and its good its done some good.... Here;s to Anglo-Hungarial relations!!
Yes it is very useful.

But I have a little bit problem.

Mplab do not commplier your and new mine source code.

error message is:

Make: The target "C:\Copy (2) of DisplayDemo723a\delay.p1" is out of date.
Executing: "C:\Program Files\HI-TECH Software\PICC\9.81\bin\picc.exe" --pass1 "C:\Copy (2) of DisplayDemo723a\delay.c" -q --chip=16F723 -P --runtime=default --opt=default -D__DEBUG=1 -g --asmlist "--errformat=Error [%n] %f; %l.%c %s" "--msgformat=Advisory[%n] %s" "--warnformat=Warning [%n] %f; %l.%c %s"
Make: The target "C:\Copy (2) of DisplayDemo723a\LEDDriver723.p1" is out of date.
Executing: "C:\Program Files\HI-TECH Software\PICC\9.81\bin\picc.exe" --pass1 "C:\Copy (2) of DisplayDemo723a\LEDDriver723.c" -q --chip=16F723 -P --runtime=default --opt=default -D__DEBUG=1 -g --asmlist "--errformat=Error [%n] %f; %l.%c %s" "--msgformat=Advisory[%n] %s" "--warnformat=Warning [%n] %f; %l.%c %s"
Error [192] C:\Copy (2) of DisplayDemo723a\LEDDriver723.c; 50.1 undefined identifier "RBPU"
Warning [967] C:\Copy (2) of DisplayDemo723a\LEDDriver723.c; 248.0 unused function definition "ht1632_senddata" (from line 241)

Can you help me, what is the problem?


I assume the target device is set in the IDE to the 16f723 on the demoboard.... (Check though)

Try taking out the line "Error [192] C:\Copy (2) of DisplayDemo723a\LEDDriver723.c; 50.1 undefined identifier "RBPU"" points to.... Double click on this error and wipe out the line it takes you to, I'm not sure why I'd have weak pullups on because I dont think they'd be needed...

I've had trouble like this when swapping from the Lite Hi-tech C to the full one but Evaluation....

---------- Post added at 21:57 ---------- Previous post was at 21:38 ----------

I've put the zip of one I've compiled in the last few minutes in the usual place .... DisplayDemo723a_Update2.zip ... Hope you get it going soon, It'll be worth it!
I knew you'd pick up the code, c# is a lovely package and the code is easy to follow.. I've not exactly been the best when adding comments I know!
Let me know how it goes buddy.!


I can compiler with Mplab 8.63 write one error, but work it.

I will try to write to pic.

I hope it will work.

I really like your work on the BitmapMaker! Just those few design tweaks makes it look like a proper job! Hello to Szia by the way!! I'm am impressed many thanks, its added to my collection as the latest build.... I'm altering it to do the multiple-displays as in that PM i sent, I'll keep you posted.


Many Thank You if You help me!

Will be happy to test your program.

I hope will soon arrive at the diplays (3x8032 Green)

I wish you all the best and success in the writing program.

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Many thanks for to Zsolt for his help in keeping me occupied! I have had fun coding over with you over Team-Viewer and sending you code to test daily!! I am happy to have met someone enthusiatic through this forum, an engineer with ideas too!

Here are some of the results of our efforts, Zsolt has been testing our multiple-display code until my order arrives and sending me the videos!!!!! Many thanks to him for his time, I'm grateful...

More to come I hope!!!!
Kind Regards
I Recon I've cracked this one..... I'm back into bit-level coding and having a great time of it.

Using HI-TECH in PRO mode has made the code run massively smoother, and meant having a much larger possible text/string Bitmap length... As it says, it saves 400 bytes out of a 1000 lite mode compilation....

I cant wait to see it on 4 panels, I'm awaiting awaitng an order!!!

Best regards

Next step is a much newer CPU, we're browsing EBAY currently for demoboards, I have seen a project for using a PIC18 to read composite video and display it on a screen,

I've done a major re-write of the boardcode, so when my 3 more Panels arrive I recon this will look amazing... The top panel in the video is coded by me, the bottom panel is a Bought-In-Speciallly panel I have jsut got to alter...! I'm getting on well so far with this ready-assembed-with-battery-and-USBCode panel off ebay. With comPort Sniffing etc, I'm hoping to have it a live "web-page updatable" (or SMS if I plug my mobile into the server PC) with a bit of Tinkering.. It seems to send a bitmap to the panel through the USB com port, when I display my capture as binary (in 2 colums) I can easily read the graphics of the text being programmed, I've just got to work out the HEX command sequences but I am nearly there!!!

This is one last video of mine, includes SCREEN CAPTURE VIDEO FOOTAGE of the board actual programming and use of the NEZSOLTSoft TextToBitMap Converter... Just for fun!!

My thanx to you, I am grateful of a "friend with ideas"! I have worked a lot on this and regained an awful lot of confidence as a direct result of your suggestions and chats and shared remote-desktop coding sessions. Appologies to the family for the late nights!

Have you tried the V11 zip yet?? :?: It is in the normal place, and available to all....

Many thanks...!

This is a complete re-write of the code, now using a ram buffer, 4x "PanelData[32][4]"s (4 off 32xbits, 4x8(32) ybits giving 4 panels 8x32 so far) which is sent to the display everytime after there is an update to the contents.... I've created a "PresentToPanelData(const char[] bitmap, xpos,ypos,panelNo)" that places the bitmap (stored as a ( NNN x 32 picture created using the NezSoltSoft app develped by us) stored in a CONST area to the displayData RAM area. The Sin-Waving is done within the PresentToPanel function using <<'s and >>'s.

I've had to split the PanelData[][] area into 4 separate variables, due to the "Cant find space for 128bytes" that it would need in one bank... The logic has to do everything 4 times, once for each of the 4 PanelDataX but has worked out well... I have spent a *lot* of time getting rid of all the spare variables to make RamSpace..... Even changing 1 "Char" to and "Int" in this version will stop it compiling!

For, info, JAYNE is my friend JIM's missus.... Hopefully she'll melt in his arms when I mount it all in a love-heart shaped box if I can find one!!!!
Many thanks for the 250mile Video transfer! :-D It looks good on 2 panels, the code should be able to drive 4 at the moment, we'll see when your new ones arrive.!

My new order of 3 x DE-DP112's came today and things havent gone smooth... 32x08 LED boards I thought were the same as we've been working on but they arent.. I've managed to find they are opposite (PMOS vs NMOS) driven......... Also, I have to have the old Matrix Board plugged in the chain for them to work, I think the CS lines need pullups... Also WPUB is the weak pullup control on the 723... You can do them idividual lines of WPUB0,WPUB1,WPUB7 etc!!!

I have to initialise them by starting the board with the original SURE hex file then building my code and installing it... It looked OK too, except there is no way of snapping off the edges of the boards anymore so I couldn't join them together vertically if I wanted to...

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