8 Digit SSD using 2 74HC595

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you are using six data line you can use only 3 data line this will make simple


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Can you explain how? The first 595 is used to send data to the SSD data line and the 2nd 595 is used for turning ON/OFF SSDs.

You mean like this?

If SH_CP and ST_CP, DS are made common then both display data and enable/disable data has to be sent as 16 bits with 595 cascaded. First 8 bits SSD data + 8 bits SSD ON data is sent next time 8 bits SSD data (all 0s) + 8 bits SSD OFF data is sent and finally stored.

Edit: 8 Digit SSD using 3 Wire and 2 74HC595s. File attached.



  • PIC18F452 2 74HC595 3 Wire 8D SSD.rar
    66.9 KB · Views: 145
  • 8dssd3w.png
    33.2 KB · Views: 170
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    Points: 2
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yes this is way


    Points: 2
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