8 bit binary data transmit and receive in ASK modulation...need help in circuits.

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Newbie level 5
Dec 9, 2010
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This is our project for data comms 2...

please help me fellow engrs..

please suggest idea on how to do this...i really need help...

this is the set-up

8 switches serves as 8 binary data -> Transmit in 27mhz frequency ---->>>

----->>> Reciever in 27mhz -> extract data on 8 L.E.D.'s ... we do it in ASK modulation...

thanks friends..

I'm not a expert but since I was involved in a similar project I can give you some idea...

Carrier Generator------------------------|
bit stream --> band limiting filter --> mixer circuit --> channel -->Envelope detector --> comparator with threshold --> Received Bitstream

Now there's a lot of calculations involved in the band limiting filter and envelope detector.

Another thing to note is that sending simple bitstreams won't do you have to agree on some rules of data transmission,so a controller is required on both ends which takes data from switches and according to rules it converts it to bitstreams for transmission and receiving.

sir thank you for the reply.i really appreciate it coz i have idea now..
i have questions on the parts of the block diagram u mentioned i hope u will give me a chance to answer it sir..

what is the purpose of the carrier generator?and is it an oscillator?
bitstream,u mean the data sequence which is the switches that makes 1's and 0's state?
band limiting filter is a band pass filter sir?
next is a mixer circuit,is that the ask modulator circuit or what is it sir?

in the receiver sir,i have researched many articles and yes the combination of
" -->Envelope detector --> comparator with threshold --> Received Bitstream "
is the one they have mentioned..

im concerned with the transmitter side for now sir..thank you for the time sir..*** bless

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