74hc4017 equivalent with more outputs needed

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Advanced Member level 6
Jan 5, 2008
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Hello is there any 74hc4017 equivalent with more outputs? This has 9 but I need more. Or how I combine two of these to get more outputs.

Also is there any equivalent that outputs 12V instead of 5? (to avoit having to use external transistors or transistor array chips)

did you read **broken link removed**
you must use buffer chips in order to get 12 volts
hey how this has got 9 outputs decade means 10
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As mentioned above the datasheet shows how to cascade several of the chips (which have 10 outputs not 9).

The original 4017 such as HEF4017 would run from 15V if they are still available, but not 74xx versions.

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To convert the logic from 5v level to 12V level, you can go for Voltage level translators.
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Thank you all!
I have looked on another version of the datasheet which shows the technique to connect two or more chips to achieve more outputs.
I think this is what needed.

The 5-to-12V conversion can be done using ULN buffer chips or simple transistor switches that are triggered from 5v on their bases. I was wondering if a chip exists that can directly supply 12v outputs. Will the HEF4017 do that, I cannot find any info on its datasheet?

Circuit for cascading is in NXP's data sheet and probably others.

HEF4017 can be powered from 15V. I think you need to look at the "4000 series Family Specifications" from Philips for that information, although it is hinted at in the datasheet at the bottom of page 5. Other versions of the 4017 such as CD4017 (and MC4017 maybe) but not 74xx4017 will work at 15V.

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Many manufacturers make CD4017 ICs. Most of their datasheets show how to cascade them.
Look at Bill Bowden in Google. He shows "Mickey Mouse" gates made with diodes and resistors for cascading CD4017 ICs.
Hi neazoi..
Any update? I agree with KJ6EAD and he is ryt. it can support upto 18V whereas your requirement is only 12V.

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