danny davis
.56 seconds and .28 seconds time measurement on an analog oscilloscope
I had to do these time measurements at work using an analog oscilloscope
All I could get was a Dot moving up and down , is this because the pulse waveform is to fast or to slow?
I had to use a storage analog oscilloscope and turn the moving Dot into a stored waveform
The Oscilloscope turned the moving DOT swinging from +10 to 0 into a Pulse square waveform , how did it do that?
Without using a Storage analog oscilloscope , how do you use a analog oscilloscope to measure the One time and Period of a waveform that is .28 seconds?
I had to do these time measurements at work using an analog oscilloscope
All I could get was a Dot moving up and down , is this because the pulse waveform is to fast or to slow?
I had to use a storage analog oscilloscope and turn the moving Dot into a stored waveform
The Oscilloscope turned the moving DOT swinging from +10 to 0 into a Pulse square waveform , how did it do that?
Without using a Storage analog oscilloscope , how do you use a analog oscilloscope to measure the One time and Period of a waveform that is .28 seconds?