555 timer circuit help

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Junior Member level 1
Apr 8, 2013
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i want to build a buzzer circuit that gives beep sound and glows one led for 1-2 second at an interval of 5 second with 555 timer.
please give me a circuit diagram or any other alternative circuit using another ic which should cost low

use 555 as a astable multivibrator use a buzzer of 12vdc

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use this ckt


  • circuit_diagram_adjustable_astable_multivibrator_555.gif
    5 KB · Views: 146

where should i fit buzzer and what is the function of potentiometer p1 p2

p1 & p2 sets the on state & off state buzzer can be directly fitted to the pin 3

depends on the type of buzzer and current draw. piezo should be fine, mechanical is another story

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you might to use a 556 - a dual 555 - one to set the 5 second interval and another to generate a [pleasant] tone for the speaker
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depends on the type of buzzer and current draw. piezo should be fine, mechanical is another story

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you might to use a 556 - a dual 555 - one to set the 5 second interval and another to generate a [pleasant] tone for the speaker

hey kam1787 can u give me circuit diagram of 556 or dual 555

there are hundreds available on the internet. Try searching on "555" or "555 astable" or "555 flasher"

Hey Pradeep where do I fit buzzer?
In place/paraller of 'led' or ''led1and r3 combination''?
I had brought buzzer which works in range of 1.5-27 volt.
Can u post pcb layout also.
Thx in advance

buzzer can be fitted on pin3 to gnd (i mean -ve of battery.) place +ve of buzer to pin . this small ckt can be easily assembled on veroboard . general purpose pcb
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    Points: 2
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buzzer can be fitted on pin3 to gnd (i mean -ve of battery.) place +ve of buzer to pin . this small ckt can be easily assembled on veroboard . general purpose pcb

can i increase the duration between on and off of buzzer?
i have built this ckt & it works like a charm but i m thinking of increasing the duration of buzzer off time
thx in advance

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