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cadence noise summary
In the Results Display Window of noise summary in Cadence Spectre simulation, there is a list like the following:
Device Param noise distribution % of total
/M0 id 1e-7 40
/M0 fn 2e-8 8
I want to know what's the meaning of the param. In other word, what kind of noise source do they exactly stand for? I can guess, id might mean channel thermal noise and fn might mean flicker noise. But I want to make sure this and also know the other params. Thank you.
In the Results Display Window of noise summary in Cadence Spectre simulation, there is a list like the following:
Device Param noise distribution % of total
/M0 id 1e-7 40
/M0 fn 2e-8 8
I want to know what's the meaning of the param. In other word, what kind of noise source do they exactly stand for? I can guess, id might mean channel thermal noise and fn might mean flicker noise. But I want to make sure this and also know the other params. Thank you.