500 points for naming a new PIC Microcontroller book

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Hi, here the list of PIC related books which i've studied and found them useful.

An Introduction To Programming The Microchip Pic In C By Nigel Gardner
PIC Microcontroller Project Book By John Iovine
The PIC Microcontroller Book By Nebojsa Matic
McGraw-Hill - Pic Robotics - A Beginners Guide To Robotic By John Iovine
A Begineers Guide To The Microchip PIC By Nigel Gardener

Best Regards

guys, just want to make it clear. blueroomelectronics is looking for a name, for a book he is writing.

here I am again, just boosting my post count

Well well so you're looking for a name, well will be looking forward for the book, so when will it be published...

well from my experiece with PICs i would recommend,

PICnic in the Blue Room (especially with a network connection)
PICante Cookbook
Take Your PICk
PICkled Projects
PICkerel & Chips
sPIC 'n Span
daffy duck says: "that's desPICable"

Here's a few more.

"Microcontroller Theory and Practice on a Shoestring."

"Learn Microcontroller with Ease."

"Pheriperals, Interrupts, and µControllers.
Theory and Practice."

Hi blueroomelectronics.

:| :arrow:

My bare board arrived now . I thought that not sent it, but I'm in mistake. You shipped it in the same day when I give you my address.

In this moment I am opening the package, your desing is very arranged, I like the blue solder mask and then I see that the silkscreen is very explicit.

Thanks for all Blueroomelectronics, now is time to find some parts and then build my Junebug. And later to do my full review with pics.

And the name for your book should be:

"PIC with blue design"

Hi blueroomelectronics,
Did you find the title that you need or you still waiting for another propositions ?

Ok, I understand.

Will the book be for free or for a commercial purpuse ? If so, could you please tell us the price of your new book and how to purchase a copy of the book and the Kit.


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