5:2 Compressor Block Diagram & Truth Table

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Junior Member level 2
Aug 14, 2013
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Please can any one help me with the 5:2 compressor block diagram, there are many available on net:roll: but none of them is in detail:thumbsdown:, Like they dosenot show which output in the XOR-XNOR block is XOR n which is XNOR, the same goes with the MUX block to, not able to identify which one of the two output is the negated one:bang:. And I am trying to find its truth table also but in vain, Can anyone help me with this.

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Hi ads-ee,
Thanks for the help.
I want to design wallace tree multiplyer using 5:2 compressor and Sklansky adder. I wan to design 16x16bit multiplyer for that I need 32-bit sklansky adder. Please can anybody provide me with "Graph representation of 32-bit Sklansky adder"

Do you know how to use google or any search engine?

Don't make yourself appear lazy, contributors do this voluntarily and the forum is constantly inundated with posts of this type, which could have been answered by using a search engine and then applying some brain cells to interpret the results.

Hi ads-ee,
Thanks for your advice really appreciate it....! Well I searched a lot on google but all I got was 16-bit Sklansky adder graph representation, The only reason I post this on this form was, I thought if anyboady has already worked on this he/she can help me with the schematic so that I can write HDL for it, I did'nt asked for code...! Did I.....? And I very well know contributors do this voluntarily really appretiate that! And if I can post this on this form then I already have that much brain to first serach it on net.....! Anyways Thanks for the advice..........!

I've done some looking around and it's pretty apparent that the Sklansky adder is a type of tree adder with a pretty regular structure. Why can't you read some of the papers out there about adders and see what the regular structure is and then just design your own 32-bit version. I've spent enough time looking over some of the papers on adders, some have hints about the structure, but I don't have time to figure it all out (I'm just interested in stuff like this).

Makes reference to using a Sklansky adder: http://www.ijera.com/papers/Vol3_issue1/FD3110361040.pdf
Has a diagram of the Sklansky adder structure: http://www.cerc.utexas.edu/~jaa/vlsi/lectures/8-1.pdf
This paper discusses parallel prefix Sklansky adders (which looks like the same tree adder): **broken link removed**

There are others, but I've already spent way too much time doing the research that you need to be doing yourself.


Hi ads-ee,
Thanks for your efforts, really appretiate it. The papers you shared I already have it. I found couple of papers myself which I think will do my work:

https://www.mattkeeter.com/research/jackson.pdf, https://www.iis.ee.ethz.ch/~zimmi/publications/adder_arch.pdf.

These two pdfs will do my job which I foundout yesterday. Frankly speaking I was looking for some readymade shcematic of 32-bit Sklansky adder, which I thought someboady in this form hv already worked on, so that I can concentrate fully on writing HDL for it rather than first putting efforts in desiging the schematic and than writing the code.

"Someboady else would do the searching for me, this was never my intension!"

Thanks for your suggesions and efforts and helping me out:smile:


Thanks for wasting my time, since you neglected to inform us of what you already found. The key to asking good questions is always consider that the person answering could spend time elsewhere than looking up something you already know. If you've already done some research the let us know so we don't point you to the same information. You do that by posting links to what you've found and ask questions based on the results of your research.

e.g. I've found the following papers on blah blah, but they don't have this and that, which I'm looking for. Has anyone run across any resources that might help

Thanks for your suggesions and efforts and helping me out:smile:
By way of thanks you could give a complete list of resources you found so far and the conclusion so far. That way you help the next person looking for the same sort of thing. Hell, you might even help yourself purely through the act of posting that summary.

My bad, I forgot to mention that I was also doing the research parallelly my apologies for that.

Suerly I will post the resources I am refering and ask for your help if I got stuck, and the code too if anyboady requiers it, onces its done.


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