Advanced Member level 4
This cube consists of 64 diffusion (dispersing light) 5mm LEDs. Anodes of the LEDs are connected with the legs of microprocessor Atmega16, and cathodes are controlled by four transistors.
Some paths on universal board were made of tin, and longer single paths were replaced with cables.
The system has four buttons for control:
- STOP/START (stop/start of the chosen sequence)
- SWITCH (select the sequence)
- CHECK (check the correctly uploaded code)
The system can be powered by constant voltage 5-35V, because it is equipped with a voltage stabilizer +5V built on 7805.
Components used:
- Atmega16 + base
- LEDs (diffusion, blue) x64
- LED (5mm: red, green) x2
- 220ohm resistor x18
- 470ohm resistor x2
- 10kohm resistor x5
- transistor BC338 NPN x4
- 10uF capacitor x1
- 1000uF capacitor x1
- 0,1uF ceramic capacitor x2
- 22pF ceramic capacitor x2
- micro-switch x2
- power socket
- universal board
- ON/OFF switch
- HEADER bus
- 5V stabilizer
Link to original thread (useful attachment) - LED CUBE 4x4x4 Atmega16