hi! i need some help here. but i am new to C programming so i am stuck.
i have a 4x4 matrix keypad which need to interface with the LCD. the LCD has 16 characters x 2 rows. my microcontroller is 18f452. i am using mplab to do the C programming.
the LCD screen will first show command in both rows for user to input the data from the keypad. for example,
/* row 1 of LCD */ Enter ID:
/* row 2 of LCD */ Enter Age:
after the "Enter ID" command is issued, the user got to enter his ID (which will be display on the LCD while he is entering), follow by enter. then the "Enter Age" will appear.
i need to do up the column and rows for the 4x4 keypad first right? how do i link the LCD and keypad together?
can someone please give me a c program code on how to do? greatly appreciated. and may god bless!