Advanced Member level 6

Many years ago, there existed a very common converter known as the "One transistor forward with high voltage transformer reset". (OTFWHVTR)
Now it is pretty much a museum piece due to the invention of high CMTI bootstrap gate drivers and the "Two Transistor Forward". (the 2 tran forward can also be done with high voltage reset and can be run at higher-than-50%-duty-cycles, just like the OTFWHVTR).
So why do you think some people are still using the OTFWHVTR?
The OTFWHVTR also need two primary FETs, hi-side FET to do the reset.
Now it is pretty much a museum piece due to the invention of high CMTI bootstrap gate drivers and the "Two Transistor Forward". (the 2 tran forward can also be done with high voltage reset and can be run at higher-than-50%-duty-cycles, just like the OTFWHVTR).
So why do you think some people are still using the OTFWHVTR?
The OTFWHVTR also need two primary FETs, hi-side FET to do the reset.